Make Girls Chase You
in 88 days using your
Secret Charisma

Exclusively for ambitious men with successful careers and seeking their dream woman…

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120 000+ Subscribers
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380+ certified reviews

Over 380+ certified reviews

Years of experience in seduction
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Our success stories

326+ satisfied customers worldwide

Who we are ?

My name is Mike, a former computer engineer.

I know what it’s like to be ignored by women. Back in engineering school, I was the stereotypical ugly “nerd,” obsessed with Star Wars and completely invisible to women.

After years of frustration, I decided to take control. I quit gaming and dedicated myself to mastering attraction. Now, after 15 years of effort, dating attractive women is no longer an issue for me.

In 2017, I founded the Dating Code, and we’ve since taught over 150,000 men, offering premium coaching to more than 500. We help ambitious men attract (and keep) the woman of their dreams in 88 days thanks to there secret charisma.

To discover how it work, start the free training…

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The Dating Code team

15 years of experience

Get the Dating Code and
make her chase you

Tired of waiting for replies ? Discover how to make your dream women chase you with thanks to your secret charisma:

120 000+ Subscribers
19+ Million views
4,8/5 ★
150+ certified reviews

9,7/10 ★

380+ certified reviews

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keep dating ( );
else {
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